UFC 4-152-01
28 July 2005
days. Gross deck area requirements are about 10,800 sq ft (1003.3 m2)
or 35 x 310 ft (10.7 x 94.5 m).
c. Selected Restricted Availability (SRA). SRA consists of expanded
repairs and/or minor ship alterations to shipboard equipment and systems
by SUPSHIP contract forces, with a duration of approximately 60 days.
Gross deck area requirements are about 18,000 sq ft (1672.2 m2) or 35 x
515 ft (10.7 x 157.0 m.)
d. Regular Overhaul (ROH). ROH consists of major repairs and ship
alterations to shipboard equipment and systems by SUPSHIP contract
forces, with a duration of six to eight months. Gross deck area
requirements are about 23,000 sq ft (2136.7 m2) or 35 x 660 ft (10.7 x
201.2 m.) In addition, there would be a requirement for turnaround areas
on deck and warehousing off the pier or wharf.
General Considerations.
The clear distance between piers, or slip width, should be adequate to permit the
safe docking and undocking of the maximum size ships that are to be
accommodated in the slip. The size of a slip should also permit the safe
maneuvering and working of tugboats, barges, lighters, and floating cranes. At
multiple berth piers, where ships are docked either one per berth, two abreast
per berth, or more, sufficient clearance should be available to permit the docking
and undocking of ships at the inboard berth without interfering with ships at the
outboard berth. Because the size of a slip is affected by docking and undocking
maneuvers, consideration should be given to the advice of local pilots who are
familiar with the ships to be handled and with prevailing environmental conditions
such as winds, waves, swells, and currents. Slip width is also influenced by the
size and location of camels/separators used between ship and structure and
between ships. The width should be reviewed with specific functional
requirements of the individual installation before a final determination is made.
Minimum Slip Length - 1350-1500 ft. (412m-457m) min.
This range in slip length is based on berthing two CG 47 (lower range) and two
LPD 17 (upper range) which provides adequate space for bow and stern lines,
provides a safety and security clearance fore and aft of each berth of 50 ft.
(15.2m), and facilitates emergency sorties without tug support. For CVN's ,
provide 1300 to 1325 ft (396.2 to 403.8 m) minimum which allows a safety
clearance fore and aft of 100 ft (30.5 m.)