UFC 4-152-01
28 July 2005
Railroad & Crane Trackage.
The number of railroad and crane tracks required and type of weight-handling
equipment furnished on piers and wharves are dependent on the type of function,
ships to be accommodated, amount of cargo to be handled, and rate of cargo
transfer. Specific service requirements of the individual installation should be
evaluated in conjunction with the following considerations:
Rail mounted cranes are often needed for loadout in repair, fitting out, and refit
facilities. Width requirements depend on equipment selected. The use of wide
gage crane service at repair, fitting out, ammunition and supply piers, and
wharves should be considered. A rail gage of 40 ft (portal crane gage at PSNS
and IMF Bremerton Site is 20 ft) for new cranes, except at container terminals or
where it is necessary to conform to gages of existing tracks. When cranes are
furnished, the distance from the waterside crane rail to the edge of the pier or
wharf should be adequate to provide clearance for bollards, cleats, capstans, pits
housing outlets for ship services, crane power conductors, and other equipment.
Some electric powered gantry cranes may require either open or covered
(panzer-belts) cable trenches in the pier or wharf deck for the power conductors.
Where locomotive cranes are used on piers and wharves, the distances between
tracks and curbs should be increased to accommodate the tail swings of the
crane. For discussion of crane power conductors, see UFC 3-320-07N. For
trackage requirements, refer to UFC 4-860-02N.
Do not consider railroad trackage for use on berthing piers and wharves (both
active or inactive), except at stations where most cargo is received by rail, one or
more tracks may be considered for use on active berthing piers. When there are
existing railroad networks at the station, tracks should be considered for
installation on repair, fitting out, ammunition and supply piers and wharves.
When trackage is required along aprons of piers and wharves, at least two tracks
should be provided so that one track may be used as a running track when the
other track is occupied. Track gage should conform to gage of existing trackage
on adjacent piers and wharves to avoid creation of "captive" cranes. Except
where local conditions require otherwise, standard gage should be used for
trackage. Width of piers and wharves should be adequate to allow passing of
trains and forklift trucks (or other material-handling equipment). Make
allowances for stored cargo and other obstructions.
Where sponsons or flight decks of CVNs or other ship types with large deck
overhangs are anticipated to be berthed, locate the crane rail so that all parts of
the crane will clear the deck overhang.
Railroad and crane trackage should not be considered for use on piers and
wharves used primarily for fueling (petroleum) operations.
When railroad and crane trackage is required on piers and wharves, the spacings
shown on Figure 2-4 may be used as a guide.