UFC 4-152-01
28 July 2005
a. For infrequently accessed facilities (such as magnetic
treatment/electromagnetic roll piers), the approach roadway should have a
minimum width of 10 ft (3.1 m) curb to curb for one-lane vehicular traffic.
b. For fueling piers and wharves, the approach should have a minimum
width of 15 ft (4.6 m) curb to curb for clear access of emergency vehicles.
c. For all other functional types, a two-way 24 ft (7.3 m) wide curb-to-curb
roadway should be provided. If two separate one-way approaches are
provided for a pier or wharf for incoming and outgoing traffic, each of them
may be 12 ft (3.7m) wide curb to curb. In any case, the approaches
should be wide enough to permit fast movement of all vehicles anticipated
for use on the facility, including emergency vehicles and mobile cranes.
Walkway Width.
Separate walkway structures should have a minimum clear width of 3 ft (0.9 m.)
Where the walkway is attached to a vehicle traffic lane, provide a minimum width
of 2 ft 6 in (0.8 m) clear, from curb to safety railing.
Roadway Deck Elevation.
The requirements for pier and wharf deck elevation are also applicable to the
approaches. Where the adjacent land is higher or lower than pier or wharf, the
approach can be sloped up or down to serve as a transition ramp. For
approaches longer than 100 ft (30.5m), the slope should be limited to 6 percent.
For shorter approaches, the maximum slope should be 8 percent, 12H:1V.
Number of Approaches.
One Approach.
For fueling and magnetic treatment/electromagnetic roll facilities, at least one
single-lane approach structure should be provided, unless the facility is built as
an island wharf or pier with access by watercraft.
Two Approaches.
a. Where volumes of vehicular movements are large, provide at least two
approaches to ensure continuous uninterrupted traffic flows from pier or
wharf to shore. At multiple-berth facilities, consider approach structures at
least every 500 ft (152.4m).
b. Where the width of the pier or wharf is not sufficient to permit turning of
vehicles, provide two approaches. Thus, vehicular traffic may enter and
leave the facility without having to turn around. Since it is easier for a
truck to negotiate a left turn, design traffic patterns to favor left turns.