UFC 4-152-01
28 July 2005
energy absorption, degradation, and failure mode. Tests showed that composite
piles absorb more energy than timber piles, but are not as stiff. This could pose
a problem in the composite fender pile deflects too much. Polymer composite
piles are presently at the acceptance phase of development and not yet in the
large-scale use phase of development. Much has been happening in the way of
codes and standards development for polymer composite piles over the last
decade. The Navy is awaiting an ASTM document under Subcommittee D20.20
Plastic Products and in particular, finalization of draft standard X-20-51c,
Standard Specification for Polymeric Piles. From this point the Navy can develop
a more comprehensive UFGS covering polymer composite piles as well as more
definitive design criteria. To date, composite piles have been used primarily for
corner protection, as secondary fender piles, and as primary fender piles for
small craft facilities.
Fiberglass fender pile, plastic pipe wear surface, top support and cap. (Marine
Fender Systems).