TM 5-850-1
Highway transport loop.
The loop
peak daily inbound movement when the port is
operating at estimated maximum capacity. The number
system should provide highways to the wharves, transit
of tracks can be determined by the number of
sheds, and warehouses. Grade crossing should have
classifications, and their length by the cars in each
maximum visibility, and the gradients of highway
approaches may not exceed 3 percent. Space can be
The number and
provided for grouping trucks and semitrailers by
destination and commodity. A truck storage apron can
be provided for the trucks required to handle the
same factors used in calculating the size and number of
maximum daily cargo at the port.
the receiving and classification tracks.
(2) Pavement design. Roads, streets, and
b. Highway facilities. The port should have access
parking areas can be designed in accordance with the
to two or more principal highway systems.
criteria in TM 5-822-5 and TM 5-822-6 (app A.)
residential areas of the labor supply should be
considered in designing the access or connecting