DG 1110-3-106
Rear Projection
Front Projection
Projector in Adjacent Space
Overhead Projection
Rear Projection
Projector in Adjacent Space
Figure 3-10
Configurations of Audio-Visual Systems
screen (used for television, both central broadcasts and
optimum visual field, however, is even smaller.
videotapes) and reflected screen (used for movies,
Research has established that this field is
slides, overhead projectors, and projected television).
approximately 9 degrees, which represents an optimum
Reflected screen devices, in turn, fall into two
viewing distance of 6 1/4 W. (Figure 3-11). These data
categories: front and rear projection systems. Each of
shall be considered in the design of all school activity
these A-V systems places different requirements on the
spaces and are especially important in the design of
design of an instruction space. Projected television is
audio-visual facilities.
the most complex of these systems and has the most
demanding requirements for precision installation and
D. Audio-Visual Presentation Systems.
There are two general categories of A-V systems: tube