DG 1110-3-106
g. Economy.
are required to serve the needs of the school, and less
Rear projection systems are considerably more costly
space is required for the projection. Rear projection
than front projection systems, initially and over the life systems are preferable from the lecturer's point of
of the facility. Separate rear projection rooms provided view; the projecting equipment can be nearby, (either
indiscriminately to all classrooms could raise the
in an adjacent enclosed space behind the lecturer or
required area for a school (and the total cost) as much next to the lecturn, with the image projected by
as 25%. In addition rear projection systems are
mirrors), giving the instructor manual control, and
essentially static and complete equipment would have
there is no shadow interruption of the image. In view
to be provided in each classroom with a projection
of the above, requirements for rear projection systems
requirement. Front projection systems are highly
should be carefully reviewed by each school and fully
portable and can be furnished on a check-out basis as justified in Project Development Brochures.
needed; therefore fewer pieces of equipment need to be
procured. The screens and projectors for rear
E. Viewer Sightlines.
In determining the design of a space to be used for A-
projection equipment are generally more costly than
V presentations, viewer sightlines are the most
those for front projection.
important consideration. There are several factors
contributing to viewing ease:
h. Conclusions.
Front projection systems are more economical and
permit more efficient utilization of space and
(1) Sloped Floor.
equipment: the seating area is larger, the image quality Audiences of more than fifty people generally require
is better over a greater area, fewer pieces of equipment
Front Projection
A Projection Source
B Screen Width (W)
c Seating Area
D Projection Room (dedicated space)
Rear Projection
Figure 3-15
Comparison of Total Space,
Front and Rear Screen Systems