usually accommodate one instructor and as many as
4-12 Remedial Instruction Spaces.
three or four students.
A. Use/Activities.
Based on a student's performance in class or on
C. Equipment/Supplies.
Remedial instruction spaces usually have a desk or
information obtained during academic counseling, an
table and chair for each student, and an instructor's
instructor may decide that a student needs remedial
work station. Work stations should be placed so the
help. This usually involves supervised study or a review
instructor can do his/her own work while supervising
of troublesome material in a one-on-one setting.
the student.
Remedial instruction may take place in the instructor
preparation area (if there is a place for a student to sit
D. Space Utilization.
undisturbed in the instructor's view) or in empty
Remedial instruction spaces should be large enough to
classrooms, instructor rehearsal rooms, or seminar
accommodate one instructor and a maximum of three
or four students. Each remedial instruction area should
be 100 square feet.
B. Occupants.
Remedial work spaces usually accommodate one
E. Access/Circulation.
instructor and one student. Supervised study areas
See Figure 4-50.
Figure 4-50
Spaces Near Remedial Instruction Spaces.