4-13 Technical Library.
working from references; catalog files and index
displays; checkout and return areas; and staff areas
A. Use/Activities.
with equipment for ordering, cataloging, and
processing new materials. See Chapter 8 of DG
(1) A typical service school technical library provides
1110-3-110 for guidance on technical libraries.
topical references oriented to the school's field of
instruction. The library's function is similar to that of
D. Space Utilization.
There should be enough library space. Reading areas
a departmental library in a large university. It provides
reference materials for administrative personnel and
and the circulation desks, including traffic, require 25
instructors and, to a lesser extent, students.
square feet per person reading. Space required for
classified storage vaults and reading rooms is
(2) Library users borrow and return reference
determined on a case-by-case basis. The number of
work stations or carrels used for microfiche,
materials, browse through the stacks or film holdings,
microfilm, or other A-V media is based on each
check catalog files, etc. The library staff acquires,
library's needs. Typically, stack areas are sized so there
catalogs, files, checks out and receives materials, and
is 1 square foot of floor area for every 15 books. This
helps users locate references.
rule includes aisles between bookshelves and assumes
(3) The instructional program provides most student
stacks are six to seven shelves high. For more detailed
reference material. The technical library is independent
instructions for programming library space, refer to
DG 1110-3-110, Chapters 2 and 3.
of other post libraries and, as a rule, is not available
to nonschool personnel.
E. Access/Circulation.
B. Occupants.
This space usually accommodate one librarian,
(1) Location.
several library aides, and many users. The number of
Location of the technical library should provide ready
access for organizational elements which use it most.
users in the library at one time depends on the
school's size and the time of day.
These are administrative personnel (especially those
associated with combat, doctrine, and training
C. Equipment/Supplies.
developments) and instructional staff. The library must
The library usually has stack and storage areas with
also be located so as not to interfere with expansion
shelving or microfiche files; drawer files for reference
plans for other school facilities and so that it can be
expanded with minimal disruption of library
materials; work stations with equipment for users to
view films or read reference materials or to write while
operations. (Figure 4-51).
Figure 4-51
Spaces Near the Technical Library.