DG 1110-3-106
Figure 7-3
Square Building Size and Form Considerations.
Exterior Stairs
for Two Story
Figure 7-4
Expanded Building Size and Form Considerations.
D. Desirable Building and Site Conditions.
7-4 Establishing Project Sequence.
Existing buildings that are not adequate are not viable
candidates for upgrade. These buildings should be
A. General.
Project sequence refers to the step-by-step order in
avoided unless there is potential for either relocating
other existing facilities or providing new facilities by
which facilities are changed or upgraded to the desired
partial construction; in all cases, adaptability of the
standard of operations. To decide the sequence of
existing building form, adequacy of floor area, and
service must consider the impact of relocation or
suitability of space patterns to the functional needs of
rehabilitation on the overall effectiveness of service
service school activities are the desirable traits. Simple
school operations. When identifying project
building perimeters normally will present few, if any,
requirements, the using service should also consider the
problems in completing upgrade objectives. Thus,
actual physical constraints and opportunities imposed
irregular shapes have been chosen for Figure 7-7 to
by various upgrade options. Here, the using service
show the more difficult conditions that should be
should indicate the immediate and short-term impact
avoided in deciding how suitable an existing building
or site is for service school use.
that various construction actions may have on the on-
going daily operations of Army service schools. The