DG 1110-3-106
D. Pre-Design Concepts.
somewhat to relate to the new projects. Sometimes,
The following factors should be considered in
mechanical and technical criteria may require a local
interpretation. If exceptions to criteria or requirements
improvement projects:
are needed, they should be identified before planning
requirements are set. Exceptions to construction
(1) Long-Range Upgrading Strategies.
requirements that will improve or eliminate functional
The using service must always keep in mind that
defects in an existing facility or site should be
project limitations can endanger future expansion and
considered essential. Sometimes, exceptions may be
flexibility. Such limitations relate mostly to short-term
needed to carry out long-range operational objectives.
piecemeal authorizations for individual facility and site
improvements. Also, budget limitations may inhibit the
B. Basic Guidance.
When fixing proper design concepts, avoid setting
provision of project features that reflect the need for
initial project constraints that might limit or impede
future long-term facility expansion. Cost increases for
the development of functionally effective facilities. For
long-range projects and comprehensive planning must
be considered as the main ways to avoid limiting
example, once a proper upgrade strategy is set up,
future expansion and flexibility.
such as either conversion or rehabilitation, avoid
limiting design options. The proper combination of
strategies and sequence of work for an upgrade option
(2) Special Operational Relationships.
must be indicated. This is especially true where project
The physical development plans of these agencies often
or program limitations will require upgrade work to
influence functional relationships to related activities
take place within a severely constrained time schedule.
such as Army Continuing Education System (ACES).
Here, project development guidance should include a
well-defined set of step-by-step procedures for each
supportive basis may lessen or prevent the need for
upgrade option. These instructions might speed the
certain upgrade programs, or may in effect determine
design process by defining where specific upgrade
the need for others. Opportunities to develop shared-
options apply, such as conservation, partial renovation,
use facilities or to provide functional help to certain
and new construction, as well as conversion of
activities should be identified before obsolete facilities
unoccupied space. For example, step-by-step
are improved, especially where such opportunities may
procedures might be needed for a physical
influence a facility's location.
development strategy that calls for expanding existing
activities into adjacent found space by means of newly
(3) Exceptions to Construction Criteria.
constructed intervening space. Such projects may
Most project development procedures usually provide
require exceptions to specific construction criteria; for
for exceptions to specific construction criteria.
example, they might allow for planning new
However, exceptions to generally applicable
mechanical systems and utility services for substandard
construction criteria or to local installation
facilities which will not be upgraded immediately. They
requirements for site planning and design should be
might also be needed for incremental development over
sought only for projects whose main objective of
an extended time for site requirements such as visitor
achieving functional and operational effectiveness
and staff parking, vehicle and pedestrian access and
would otherwise be greatly threatened. In general, such
circulation, and landscaping. Special design
exceptions will be made only after reviewing the merits
requirements for facility upgrade should be established
of alternatives and the specific impact that adherence
only after the general design guidance and the criteria
to governing standards would have on achieving
given below have been considered.
essential project objectives.
C. Special Design Procedure.
7-6 Establishing Design Requirements.
The using service is responsible for developing the
specific background information, design guidance, and
A. Site Planning Considerations.
functional requirements needed to prepare pre-design
Project site planning requirements are established based
concepts. Design procedures for rehabilitation/
on physical development objectives approved by the
conversion projects differ from those for building new
local using service. Generally, individual site planning
facilities in that the using service has more flexibility in
requirements can be identified by a thorough survey of
controlling how a project is done. However, this
the existing conditions using project objectives and
flexibility can be lost when design procedures do not
limitations as guidelines. However, basic project
provide for the full development of at least two or
limitations may prevent the achievement of maximum
three alternative pre-design concepts for a given
site development standards. This is especially true of
upgrade requirement. Technical help may be needed to
rehabilitation work on facilities occupied by service
develop such design options.
school activities. Location constraints usually prevent
major changes to the layout of existing site elements.