DG 1110-3-106
has in project development. In all cases, however,
separation. Increases in the minimum separation
distance might be required where optimum locations
landscape planting should be considered as a positive,
are constrained by inappropriate or conflicting nearby
effective, and sometimes essential way to accomplish
functional and operating objectives. For example, the
activities that make the operational environment less
use of landscape planting is often an effective way to
reduce heating and cooling requirements as well as
related facility operating costs. Many landscape
(3) Visual Approach.
Persons approaching a service school facility by car
planting techniques can increase overall attractiveness
normally view the building from an oncoming angle of
and design image while providing confidential
30 to 45 degrees, rather than from directly in front.
screening, weather protection, and sun-screening. The
This oblique view gives the proper advance
relative attractiveness of site access points, building
identification needed for turning into the entrance
approaches, and entrances to existing facilities usually
drives. Thus, the location of existing or projected site
influences appreciation and respect for the services
elements such as parked cars, eye-level flowering trees,
provided within.
or groups of evergreen plantings that might obscure
views of signs or activity indicators either should be
D. Site Lighting.
avoided or removed. Also, groups of trees should be
Existing sites and facilities may not provide for or
conform to even the minimum site lighting
selectively thinned and pruned.
requirements needed for physical security and
(4) Access.
operational effectiveness. Provision of adequate lighting
Setting design requirements for access points will
for operations areas must be a high priority in
depend on the character and intensity of operations as
rehabilitation/conversion projects. Generally, provisions
fixed by pre-planning decisions and on the site-specific
for site lighting will depend both on the scope and
development opportunities identified during site
extent of requirements for site and facility upgrade and
selection. Generally, vehicle and pedestrian access to
on the level of sophistication allowed by project
existing rehabilitated or converted facilities must
authorizations. Such provisions should conform to
reinforce functional objectives. Site planning and
criteria given in Chapter 2.
building orientation factors should determine the
proper design, location, and sometimes, the relocation
E. Site Signage.
and redesign of such site elements as access roads, on-
Upgrade of existing facilities can be improved by use
site drives, parking, and pedestrian walkways. Refer to
of site signage. Where rehabilitation/conversion
Chapters 2 and 4 for guidance on developing specific
projects are mostly concerned with upgrading presently
site planning considerations for various types of access,
occupied space, site signage can greatly increase the
such as public, private, staff, and service.
control and separation of visitor traffic without major
effort. Site signage and picto-graphic symbols should
always be coordinated with interior signage systems for
(5) Site Circulation Systems and Parking.
Existing or redeveloped site conditions should allow
design and information consistency. Chapter 2 gives
safe, convenient pedestrian and vehicle circulation.
general criteria for site signage that may apply to
rehabilitation/conversion projects.
Existing or redeveloped parking systems should clearly
distinguish between various types of groups and
individuals who might use the existing or converted
F. Site Furniture and Equipment.
facility. Desirable layouts of existing roads, parking,
Rehabilitation/conversion projects will usually require
and walkways should be adopted only where they are
two categories of site elements: site furniture and site
consistent with fixed requirements for security and
equipment. Typically, these site elements are used to
efficient operation and where they avoid locations
assist or increase the operational effectiveness of
directly over underground utilities. Redesign of
functional activities. Site equipment is an outside
pedestrian and vehicle circulation systems should
operational requirement that must be provided for
conform to the guidelines in DA Architectural and
Engineering Instructions (AEI) Design Criteria, TM
electric poles, mechanical vaults, various types of
5-803-5, and TM 5-822-2. Specific site circulation
service school operational equipment, and utility
meters. Items such as bollards, curb markers,
criteria in Chapter 2 offer more guidance.
relocatable signs, and other outside functional elements
are considered site furniture. While there may be
C. Landscape Planting.
essential requirements for certain items in both
The importance of landscape planting depends mainly
categories, provision of site furniture for
on a site's physical characteristics and on the needs of
rehabilitation/conversion projects will be subject to a
each rehabilitation/conversion project. Budget
specific program's overall limitations and priorities.
limitations and priorities for physically upgrading a site
Initial site furniture requirements can be minimized by
will also influence the importance landscape planting