DG 1110-3-106
A discussion of the need for architects and school
Selected Bibliography
planners to design buildings which will allow for
the optimization of the new instructional
The bibliography is ordered under the general topics of
concern as follows:
A. Instruction spaces, including: classrooms, labs,
4. Libraries and Study Facilities: A selected
Bibliography. Madison, Wisconsin; University of
shops, self-paced study carrels, and libraries.
Wisconsin, ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational
B. School organization, including: planning guide,
Facilities, 1970.
design for pedestrian movement, school siting, and
Contains a selected reference list of publications of
landscape design.
interest in the planning, programming, and/or
design of library facilities. Sections included are
C. Furniture and audio-visual equipment, including:
library planning, carrels and study facilities, library
furniture landscaping, projection AV, television, and
the effects of student seating in the classroom.
instructional materials centers, building equipment
D. Environmental requirements, including: thermal,
and materials selection, and additional references.
lighting, acoustics, and the related concern of energy
5. Toffler, Alvin, and others. Bricks and
Mortarboards. New York: Educational Facilities
Laboratories, Inc., 1964.
E. Building systems, including: a comparative analysis
of existing systems and a manufacturer's compatibility
This brings together information on what is
study of building systems.
happening in the four major types of campus
building - the classrooms, the laboratory, the
F. Specific planing programs: planning and programing
library, and the dormitory. Each section is written
guides for specific vocational programs.
by a different person.
Each reference is accompanied by a short annotation to
6. Woodruff, Alan P. Career Education Facilities: A
aid in directing information searches.
Planning Guide for Space and Station
Requirements. New York: Educational Facilities
A. Instruction Spaces.
Laboratories, Inc., 1973.
1. Beynon, John. Study Carrels: Designs for
Discusses two classes of shared-space programs;
Independent Study Space. Stanford, Cal.: The
that is, discusses spaces and equipment that can be
School Planning Laboratory, Educational Facilities
shared by more than one program of a center
Laboratory, Inc., 1964.
devoted to career or occupational education.
Covering more than the shared facilities, it is a
A sketch book showing many concepts of carrels,
comprehensive guide to planning for all the
from the simple to the sophisticated. Includes some
facilities likely to be encountered in career
discussions of lighting, acoustics, visual privacy
criteria, and component construction.
B. School Organization.
2. Educational facilities with New Media. Ed. Alan
C. Green, 1966; rpt. Washington, D. C.: National
1. Dobrovolny, Jerry. Factors to Consider in
Education Association, 1972.
Planning Technical Education Facilities. Industrial
Arts Vocational Education Supplement - Technical
Essentially an architectural research report,
Education. TEI, March 1970.
primarily concerned with the designing of
education facilities that are conducive to learning.
Discusses factors to consider in planning technical
Includes data, design studies, planning premises,
education facilities. Includes sections on component
reactions, and conclusions.
building systems, educational facilities, educational
planning, flexible facilities, and technical education.
3. Hacker, Michael. "Architecture and the New
Technology." Educ. Telev. Int., 4 March 1970,
2. Fruin, John J. Pedestrian Planning and Design.
pp. 31-36.
New York: Metropolitan Association of Urban
Designers and Environmental Planners, Inc., 1971.