Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
March 1983
The Design Guide (DG) series is issued by the Engineer-
ing Division, Engineering and Construction Directorate,
Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Department of the
This Design Guide has been prepared to assist in the
planning, programming, and design of the Army Band
Training Facilities. The goal of these facilities is to provide
spaces appropriate to the specific needs of Army Bands
for practice, rehearsal and other functions in support of their
military mission. The guide not only states basic design
criteria, but also provides means by which the user can apply
the criteria in individual ways to respond to local
Guidance contained in this document is applicable to all
new construction and to projects involving additions,
facilities. It is intended for use by Facility Engineers, Dis-
trict Engineers, Army Band Officers and personnel, and
architects and engineers designing Army Band Training
Development of this guide was under the direction of the
Building Technology Section, Architectural and Building
Systems Branch, of the Engineering Division. Preparation
of the Design Guide was the result of Contract No.
DACA87-81-C-0127 for planning and design services by
Arrowstreet Inc., of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and their
acoustics consultants, Bolt Beranek and Newman, of
Cambridge, Massachusetts. The functional requirements
have been developed in conjunction with, and approved
by, the Army Bands Office, of the U.S. Adjutant General
Center, Washington, D.C.
This Guide is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office. Additional copies are
available from the USACE Publications Depot, 890 South
Pickett Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 22304. Users are
invited to send comments and suggested improvements to
CDR USACE (DAEN-ECE-A), Wash, D.C. 20314.
Chief, Engineering Division
Directorate of Engineering and Construction