Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
Architectural Programming
March 1983
1. Rehearsal. Space is required for rehearsal of the diverse
match to local band requirements and broaden the under-
range of performance groups: (see Figure 2-2)
standing of the space needs and use. This may result in
revisions to the space program, prior to initiation of facil-
q Concert Band-full band strength, including brass,
ity design and development.
woodwind, and percussion sections.
q Marching Band-full band strength, including brass,
2-3 Functions Program
woodwind, and percussion sections.
q Stage Band-approximately 18 to 25 members; typically
two per band; for dance-band music.
The description presented here of the general and specific
Show Band-approximately 12 members; may be more
functions an Army Band Training Facility must accommo-
than one; play popular music.
date is generally valid for Active and Reserve Component
Bands. While it is recognized that each band may have
Jazz Combo-5-6 members.
slightly different operating practices, only minor variations
Various Ensembles-popular music groups, brass choir,
in the functions program should be made for a specific
percussion, bluegrass, etc.; varies by post.
band facility. Substantive program changes may hinder future
Chorus-typically included in a 65 person band and not
changes in mission operations emphases.
in a 45; drawn from same full band strength.
The Band Officer and his senior personnel--Associate
Simultaneous rehearsals of two or more of any of the
Commander, Enlisted Bandleader, performance group
medium-sized groups or sections may need to be held.
leaders, etc. --should review the functions description pre-
Rehearsals sometimes include visitors and additional
sented here and note minor differences in their local
players in small numbers, beyond the band personnel
operation. These local notes should be incorporated into
the Architectural Program, to inform the facility designers
of the accommodation requirements as explicitly as possible,
2. Practice. (see Figure 2-3)
and should be reflected in a modified, Iocally appropriate
. ,,.
q For individuals or small groups, and sections of perfor-
space program.
mance groups (2-6 persons).
A. Overall Function
q Some have large, difficult to set-up or transport instru-
ment requirements (e.g., percussion, piano).
The overall function of the facility is that of rehearsal and
practice for an Army Band. The building is for the band
3. Performance.
personnel and their serious musical activities, and support
Not a likely or essential function in Band Training
functions required for operation of the band. Recreation
Facilities, for most line bands; although some bands
and relaxation activities take place, before or after prac-
do have, for small audiences.
tice and performance functions, as part of the band's
Performances generally take place elsewhere on-post
active daily schedule. Performance and visitor use of the
or off-post, as commitments require.
facility is minor. Rehearsal and practice are always the
priority functions to accommodate.
4. Recording. (see Figure 2-4)
There are two required sizes of Active Duty Bands, to
q Recordings are made for band training (playback and
which this Design Guide is directly addressed--45 person
study), internal Army use, and promotion (such as
and 65 person. At times, a band may not have its full
recruiting). They are mostly on tape, but sometimes
complement of personnel, but the facilities should be
records are cut for distribution.
designed for these sizes, which are the required levels.
q Not assumed to be professional-quality recording activity,
While not directly addressed here, the functions of the larger
Premier Bands and of National Guard and Army Reserve
--Library. (see Figure 2-5)
Bands are similar in many ways to those presented in this
q Music storage and retrieval, for concert-size and marching-
size music.
Each Army Band has a multiplicity of diverse performance
q Music layout and distribution for performances and
groups, outlined in 2-3.B.1, below. While the array and
size of performance groups are relatively standardized from
q Music arrangement and copying.
post to post, local variations exist in performance
q Music sorting and cataloging, care and maintenance.
emphases, schedule and frequency of activities or differ-
ent groups, and specific types of small combos, which
q Reference books and educational materials storage and
will effect the use of the building spaces. Each installation's
facility must accommodate the various rehearsal, practice
q Phonograph record storage, lending and maintenance.
and support needs of its local band.
q Library administration.
B. Specific Functions
6. Administration and Operations. (see Figure 2-6)
q Activities of Bandmaster (Commander), Associate Band-
Specific functions to be accommodated in the Army Band
master (for 65 person bands only), Enlisted Bandleader,
Training Facility, and critical issues about their operation,
and Non-Commissioned Officers.