Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
Architectural Programming
March 1983
Figure 2-9. Outdoor Performance
site selection criteria apply, plus the building suitability
and marching practice; loading dock/outdoor performance
criteria outlined in subparagraph 2-5.B.
area, with truck and service access; parking area for all
band members, plus visitors; automobile and bus drop-off
Individual sites or buildings being evaluated may not be
and loading zone, plus access drives. See Table 2-1 for
able to meet all the criteria indicated. Certain site and build-
recommended area requirements for these outdoor function-
ing suitability criteria, as discussed below, are essential
spaces for the two facility sizes. Assume the site area
to a viable band facility and must be met. Others, which
required for the building itself equals the gross total area,
are desirable but not mandatory, should be considered
including mechanical, as shown in table 2-1.
and used to rank alternative possible sites or buildings
against. Judged against all these factors, the overall most
2. Desirable Proximities. It is preferred for Band Training
satisfactory site should be selected. Where an existing facil-
Facilities to be located near the installation parade ground,
ity to be renovated is being selected, satisfying the essen-
for convenience of performance of the ceremonial func-
tions which are a prominent part of the band's activities.
tial criteria for building suitability for band functions will
Proximity to general post operations areas, for perfor-
typically outweigh the less critical site location factors.
mance convenience, and to band personnel billets, for
access convenience, are also desirable. However, many
A. Site Evaluation Criteria.
performance commitments, and housing for much of the
Significant requirements and criteria for evaluation of poten-
band, will inevitably be found elsewhere, in dispersed
tial sites for Band Training Facilities include:
1. Site Size. The site must be large enough to comfortably
Co-location of band training and band personnel billets
accommodate the band training building and all the out-
in the same structure may be considered. Some savings
would be likely in shared personaI support spaces, such
door function-spaces: a drill area for outdoor rehearsal