Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
Architectural Programming
March 1983
Figure 2-11. Site Evaluation Criteria
accommodate all the program spaces; built of heavy con-
difficulty for bicycle and wheelchair access. Flat or slightly
struction (masonry or concrete), to provide the required
ramped access to the building is particularly important
acoustic properties; and with sufficient space of a mini-
because of the frequent movement of large instruments and
mum 15-foot ceiling height to accommodate the Main
equipment. However, the ground around the service apron
Rehearsal and Large Group Practice Rooms. Such a build-
should slope down toward the loading dock, tO form a natu-
ing could be used to house the band training functions
ral amphitheater for outdoor performances. If a site is
entirely within the existing structure (see Figure 2-5 for
otherwise acceptable, construction of earth berms may be
example). The criteria for selecting a building suitable for
used to form the amphitheater. (see Figure 2-11)
this purpose are discussed in detail below. (see Figure
The second approach is to find a building smaller than the
B. Building Suitability Criteria
required program area, and add the musically critical
There are two approaches to utilizing an existing building
rooms in new construction (see figure 2-6). Square foot-
to renovate as a Band Training Facility. One is to find a
age can be between 5,000 and 10,000 square feet, for
building which is: at least as large as the required area to
a 45-member band, with new construction bringing the total