Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
March 1983
(or A/E)
Figure 1-1. Band Training Facilities Project Development Process
A. Project Planning and Programming
detailed Project Development Brochure (PDB) prepared,
as specified-in AR 415-20 and TM 5-800-3. The functional
Prior to the steps shown in Figure 1-1, the Installation
description of the PDB - the activities and operations of
Planning Board (IPB) must approve an Installation Master-
the programs to be included in the facility-is written by
plan, including the site location for proposed Band Train-
the Army Band Officer, with assistance from band
ing Facilities, and a priority list for new construction and
personnel, within the guidelines of this Guide. The physi-
renovation projects. Because of the unique nature of a
cal requirements--siting, site development, general archi-
musical ensemble like the band, and the inherent unique
tectural and technical aspects--are developed by the Facility
requirements, it is imperative that the Bandmaster ensure
Engineer, in interaction with the band personnel. The Facil-
that those requirements are represented at every process
ity Engineer also has the option of asking assistance from
level, from this very first stage, to effect appropriate prior-
the District Engineer in preparing the PDB.
ity placement of the Band Training Facilities within the lPB-
approved Master Plan.
The content of the PDB constitutes or summarizes an
The "site review" indicated in Figure 1-1 represents a review
Architectural Program for the facility. Procedures and cri-
and possible revisions of previous siting decisions, based
teria for development of this are found in Chapter 2 of this
on the refined understanding of the specific project func-
Design Guide. The Architectural Program is the document
tional requirements. In addition, a Project Summary (PS)
which communicates to the design architects and engi-
is prepared (see TM 5-800-3), to accompany the initial (one
neers the requirements the building must satisfy: the func-
page) DD Form 1391, to provide preliminary information
tional program, the space requirements, and critical design
about the project to the MACOM.
criteria and site constraints.
2. Site Review. The site selected for the Band Training
1. Project Development Brochure. Upon notification that
Facility in the Installation Master Plan should be reviewed
a Band Training Facility has a high probability of being
included in the MACOM's Short Range Construction Pro-
by the Band Officer together with the Facility Engineer.
This review should reflect the considerations presented in
gram (SRCP), the Facility Engineer arranges to have a