Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
March 1983
AR 415-35, Minor Construction.
mance facilities. They should be able to respond with
imagination to the principles and considerations in this
TM 5-800-3, Project Development Brochures.
Design Guide, and to the individual post's use program proj-
TM 5-803-1, Installations Master Planning: Principles and
ect criteria and site. The architects must integrate design
quality, functional efficiency and cost control, with efficient
C. Design
projects procedures. They must be able to coordinate
the technical engineering and other specialist services
AR 190-11, Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition and
required, in particular the specialized acoustic engineer-
ing capabilities essential to good band facility design.
DG 1110-3-122, Design Guide for Interiors.
2. Concept Design. The designer prepares Concept Designs
EM 1110-1-103, Design for the Physically Handicapped.
(detailed schematic designs) to define all functional
aspects of the facility, and to provide a firm basis for evaluat-
ER 1110-345-100, Design Policy.
ing the total building and site design. Designs are based
ER 1110-345-700, Design Analysis.
on the PDB, on functional requirements submitted by the
ER 1110-345-710, Drawings.
band personnel, on data in DD Form 1391, on prelimi-
ER 1110-345-720, Specifications
nary designs and cost estimates previously completed and
TM 5-785, Engineering Weather Data.
approved, and on detailed consideration of the criteria
TM 5-800-1, Construction Criteria for Army Facilities.
in this Design Guide. Concept Designs are reviewed by the
Band Officer and his personnel. Based on their recommen-
TM 5-800-2, Preparation of Cost Estimates--Military
dation, the Facility Engineer determines if the design is in
compliance with the program and the criteria in this Design
TM 5-803-5, Installation Design.
Guide, and communicates this to the District Engineer.
TM 5-805-4, Noise Control for Mechanical Equipment.
3. Final Design. Final Design is prepared based on the
TM 5-805-10, Acoustical Treatment.
previously approved Concept Designs. This stage does
TM 5-807-10, Signage.
not require approval by the installation personnel, but they
TM 5-809-1 through 5 and 8 through 11, Structural
should have the opportunity to review the in-process
design before completion of Final Design. Upon comple-
TM 5-810-1 through 6, Mechanical Design.
tion and receipt of appropriate directives from the Chief
TM 5-811-1 through 4, Electrical Design.
of Engineers, the District Engineering Office furnishes to
the Using Service and the installation commander a copy
TM 5-812-1, Fire Protection.
of all bidding documents along with a notice that the Dis-
TM 5-813-1 through 5, Water Distribution Systems.
trict Engineer intends to advertise the project for bids.
TM 5-814-1, Water Supply for Fire Protection.
Thereafter the project proceeds into construction, under the
TM 5-814-1, Sanitary Engineering
responsibility of the District Engineering Office.
TM 5-822-2 Design for Roads, Streets, Walks and Open
Storage Areas.
TM 5-830-2 and 4, Planting Design.
1-6 References
D. Completion Records
AR 415-10, General Provisions for Military Construction.
The following references are important in understanding
the functions of Army Band Training Facilities, the proce-
1-7 Glossary
dures for their planning, design and development as part
of military construction programs, and the records to be trans-
ferred to the using service upon completion of the project.
Presented below are definitions of technical terms used
throughout this guide, with which all readers may not be
A. Functional Requirements.
familiar. These are practical definitions, designed to apply
AR 220-90, Army Bands.
only to the usage of these terms in this document.
FM 12-50, The Military Bands.
Absorption: absorption of sound, as by a material which
TRADOC PAM 525-13, U.S. Army Operational Concept
soaks up sound energy so that less sound is reflected back
and Use of Army Bands in Combat Areas.
into the room.
B. Planning and Project Development.
Acoustics: The science of sound including its production,
DOD 4270.1-M, Department of Defense Construction
transmission and effects, and the qualities that determine
the value of a room or enclosed space with respect to
AR 210-20, Master Planning for Permanent Army Installa-
Architectural Program (or Space Program): a list of all
AR 415-15, Military Construction (Army) Program
spaces required in a building, usually including informa-
tion about the areas (square footages) and activities to be
AR 415-17, Cost Estimating for Military Programming.
accommodated, and the design characteristics desired
in each room.
AR 415-20, Project Development and Design Approval.