Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
March 1983
Architectural Programming
3-5, Acoustical Considerations, for further explanation).
versus new construction. However, the essential building
Buildings of other types of construction may be used, but
suitability criteria, as indicated below, must be fulfilled, over-
with less successful results and with difficult renovation
riding any site evaluation factors, because without these
techniques required (see Chapter 5, Practical Approaches
the facility will not perform adequately for band training use.
for Acoustical Construction, for discussion of these sys-
1. Building Size. The building size must be at least equal
tems and techniques). Large open interior spaces are eas-
to the band training program square footage, and prefera-
ier to renovate to fit band space requirements. Especially
bly larger, unless additional construction is planned. Con-
for the music spaces, structural bay sizes of 20 feet by 30
version usually requires more square footage in order
feet or greater are preferred.
to fit all the required functions and spaces within the exist-
5. Environmental Systems Reuse. Reuse of expensive
ing configuration and structure. For a 45 person band,
elements of the existing building such as plumbing and
the building should be between 12,500 and 15,000 square
mechanical systems is economically advantageous.
feet; for a 65 person, between 17,000 and 21,000 square
Building suitability evaluation should reflect the feasibility
feet. Minor compromises in the area of individual program
of this reuse, in the context of the function layout and
spaces may need to be accepted to fit within an avail-
relationship requirements for Band Training Facilities, as
able building, but these should be made in the support,
presented in Chapter 3.
administration and the secondary spaces, not in the pri-
mary music spaces.
In order to reuse plumbing systems and toilet rooms, they
must be located in an area of the building that is usable
2. Ceiling Height. It is absolutely necessary, when
for the more private band functions, rather than near spaces
attempting to install music rehearsal and practice rooms in
to be used for semi-public activities such as music
an existing structure that there be areas of high ceiling
rehearsal, practice or lobby. If mechanical systems are to
heights--15 to 30 feet--to accommodate the large acousti-
be reused, they must be capable of being modified to
cal volume required for band practice. Without this high
include humidity control for protection of instruments. Noisy
space, sound levels will be excessive and potentially dan-
gerous to band personnel's hearing; and the quality of
equipment should not be near spaces to be used for
music practice. All these systems must meet the require-
sound and ability to hear others will be impaired. For a 45
ments in Paragraph 3-6, Environmental Systems Design.
person band, at least 2,200 square feet of high space is
required; for a 65 person band, at least 3,000.
6. Budget Constraints. The renovations required to meet
3. Single Level. The existing building configuration should
band training programmatic needs must be accomplished
be such that all music rehearsal, practice, storage, and
within the budget limitations set by Army regulations for
instrument areas can be on one level. A loading dock should
additional investment, relative to the type and value of the
be on the same level. This will make movement of large
facility. The cost of renovating an available existing facil-
instruments and equipment easier. Any building configura-
ity must be compared with the cost and relative appropriate-
tion that results in use areas above or below music rooms
ness of new construction. Only part of a desired renova-
should be avoided.
tion may be able to be afforded, or the work may need to
4. Construction. Band Training Facilities should be of
be supplemented by band personnel. In such a case,
permanent construction. Massive construction systems--
the decision must be made whether a partial level of satis-
masonry or concrete--are inherently more suitable for
faction of band desires and needs is appropriate as a
band facilities, for sound isolation reasons (see Paragraph
basis for project development.