Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
Architectural Programming
to 12,000 to 13,000 square feet. This approach insures
that music rooms- rehearsal, practice, control-will per-
Figure 2-13. Band Training Facility in Renovated Exist-
form adequately, and have proper construction, shape,
ing Building plus Additions
volume and isolation, to meet band training acoustic
requirements. In addition, this approach provides better
Training Facilities. The site location criteria are the same
construction quality control standards for the acoustically
as for a newly constructed building, discussed above, but
sensitive spaces, typically easier to achieve in new con-
may not be as fully realizable, given the location con-
struction than in renovation. (see Figure 2-13)
straints of available buildings. The location benefits must
be balanced against the quality and adaptability of the
The following are the significant requirements and criteria
available facilities and the economic benefits of renovation
for evaluation of potential buildings for renovation as Band