Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
March 1983
Figure 1-2. Recently Constructed Army Band Facility
(Brucker Hall, the U.S. Army Band and Chorus, Ft. Myer, VA)
B. Design
Section 2-5 of this Guide. Any modifications desired must
be proposed to the Installation Planning Board, for approval
For the remainder of the Project Development Process,
in accordance with AR 210-20, Masterplanning for Perma-
primary responsibility shifts to the District Engineer's office,
nent Army Installations.
or the activity charged with construction responsibility.
3. DD Form 1391. DD Form 1391, Military construction
The District Engineer develops the design criteria, and either
handles concept design, final design and construction
documentation required for decisions on the project by the
administration in-house, or contracts the design to an out-
Major Command. Instructions for its completion are found
side architect/engineer. Although these tasks take place
in the AR 415-15 and in TM 5-800-3. Army Headquarters
away from the installation, they are based on the func-
uses the DD Form 1391, with MACOM input, to further
tional and operational requirements in the PDB and DD
refine DA construction priorities. The DD Form 1391 is pri-
Form 1391. There is opportunity for review and approval
marily the responsibility of the Facility Engineer, with input
of the Concept Design by the Facility Engineer and band
from band personnel, already largely developed in the PDB
personnel, and this is critical to insure satisfaction of the
users' projected needs. (see Figure 1-2)
project, including descriptions of the general physical charac-
1. Design Services. Architects and engineers selected for
teristics of the facility, quantitative data, and cost
design of Army Band Training Facilities shoud be experi-
estimates. The final submittal of DD Form 1391 will have
enced in the design of band or music training and perfor-
the PDB attached.