UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
As a general rule, USAR prefers to bring both fiber optic and copper cable to
its facilities when fiber optic cable is available, at a reasonable cost, near the site. Fiber
optic cable should be run to the main telephone data room, on to the network operations
center, and on to the IT hub rooms. Fiber optic cable is not typically extended beyond
this "backbone", and any extension requires approval by the Using Agency.
The Design Agency is responsible for designing and specifying signage for
the building exterior and interior. The applicable criteria for signage is
UFC 3-120-01 "Air Force Sign Standard"..
Figure 2-23
\ Interior signage typically consists of a building
USARC, Ft. Knox,
directory, room name/numbers, directional accessibility, and
similar signs./1/
2-11.3 Exterior signage typically consists of a center
monument sign, parking accessibility signs, traffic directional
signs (if required), and similar signs. If the facility is on a
larger Government installation, the installation may have its
own guidance for exterior signs; the Design Agency should
verify whether such guidance governs.
\ The project signage will include "Minuteman" logo plaques for the project;
one aluminum for the exterior and one bronze for the interior. These are Government-
furnished and contractor-installed (GFCI); designer will determine locations with
Tenant input. Source for the `Minuteman logo plaques is: US Army Corps of Engineers,
Baltimore District, ATTN: CENAB- PP-M (Jim Payne), Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Telephone: 410-962-4395./1/
USAR facilities must be designed to comply with the requirements of the
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and the Uniform
Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), with the most stringent requirements
governing. An exception to this requirement is made for OMS buildings, which are
governed by UFAS only. This exception allows OMS restrooms to be designed without
accessibility measures, as these facilities are assumed to be inhabited only by able-
bodied soldiers.
Due to the threat of terrorism, the Design Agency should pay particular care
to the requirements for accessible exiting, especially those addressing areas of refuge.
The primary criteria for physical security for USAR facilities are AR 190-13,
"The Army Physical Security Program," and AR 190-16 "Physical Security." AR 190-11,