UFC 4-211-01N
25 October 2004
Including change 1, 1 October 2006
HANGAR BAY FLOOR FINISH. Use a high build epoxy coating
system on the hangar bay floor, as specified in MPI 212, Thin Film Flooring
System for Aircraft Maintenance Facilities. MPI 212 requires a two or three coat
flooring system with reflective topcoats consisting of a primer and a topcoat or
primer, mid-coat and topcoat. The mid-coat and topcoat must be of the same
material. This system is appropriate for use in aircraft maintenance hangars,
equipment maintenance shops and all other industrial floors where resistance to
The color of the floor finish should be evaluated to determine the
reflectance needed or desired. The colors are generally white or light gray.
Discuss the selection of the system with the activity to verify the type and color
desired. Also verify the requirements for the applicator's certifications.
Note: An alternate floor coating for new construction is the White Dry Shake
System consisting of cement, pigment, special hardening admixtures, sand, and
\ grit /1/ as the topping to achieve increased lighting levels. The Dry Shake
must be applied in strict conformance with the material suppliers written
instructions. Use of a mechanical spreader is essential for a successful
application. Contact the NAVFAC Engineer Innovation and Criteria Office (EICO)
for information.
Exterior Wall Construction. Exterior walls will include field
assembled insulated metal panels with concrete masonry backup painted in shop
and mechanical areas. Interior partitions must be reinforced concrete masonry
partitions typical. Other exterior wall materials should be considered where the
Base Standards require other materials.
Wall Panels. Insulated metal wall panels field assembled, metal
Personnel Doors. Choose insulated metal doors and metal
Choose hardware appropriate for its use. Hardware should be
compliant with accessibility standards set forth in UFAS and as determined by
the activity. Consider using of heavy-duty hardware on all doors. Consider using
continuous hinges at exterior door openings and other high usage doors.
Windows. Use windows meeting AAMA Type HC60 window
specifications (AAMA WSG.1, Window Selection Guide). Windows will be fixed
and operable type as determined. Windows must be thermally broken pre-
finished aluminum with tinted, low e glass. Windows should include 25 mm (1
inch) minimum insulated glazing to provide more favorable sound transfer
coefficient. Use laminated glazing and comply with UFC 4-010-01 in portions of