Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
SCOPE OF WORK. Design and construction shall comply with the specifications
and requirements contained in this Request for Proposals (RFP). The design and technical
criteria contained and cited in this RFP establish minimum standards for design and
construction quality. The objective of this solicitation is to obtain a complex of buildings and
associated site construction, complete and adequate for assignment as an Army Tactical
Equipment Maintenance Facility (TEMF). This contract shall consist of the design and
construction of [one] maintenance building[s], associated storage structures, and site work, on
Government-owned land at [installation and location].
Site Area. The site is described on the RFP drawings included as part of this
solicitation. Site area is approximately [insert] hectares [ ___ acres].
Site Work. Site work includes all design and construction of site features described
in the RFP, including but not limited to, site planning, clearing, grading, erosion control, site
drainage, utility systems, pavements, pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems, signage, site
lighting, landscaping, physical security measures, fencing, and site furnishings.
Special Utilities and Supplementary Construction. [Insert special utility items,
supplementary construction, on-site or off-site]
Demolition Considerations and Requirements. [Insert special items with respect
to demolition requirements. Asbestos and lead paint surveys must be included as an
attachment to the Statement of Work when applicable. It is also recommended to assign
responsibility for preparing the asbestos and lead paint abatement guide specs to the industrial
hygienist firm that completed the survey. If this is done, attach the edited guide spec to the
Environmental Considerations and Mitigation Requirements.
data, reports and drawings should be included as an attachment to the RFP].
APPLICABLE CRITERIA. Applicable design and construction criteria references
are listed in Appendix A to the Statement of Work. Criteria shall be taken from the most current
references as of the date of issue of the RFP. Referenced codes and standards are minimum
acceptable criteria. Administrative, contractual, and procedural features of the contract shall be
as described in other sections of the RFP.
DESIGN QUALITY. The main objective of this solicitation is to obtain a tactical
equipment maintenance facility within funds available, and to maximize design quality. Design
quality is achieved through the optimization of interior planning, integration of buildings with the
site, sustainability, selection of building systems for low-cost maintenance and operation, and
an overall balance of aesthetics and functionality.
DESIGN FREEDOM. Requirements stated in this RFP are minimums. Innovative,
creative, or cost-saving proposals, which meet or exceed these requirements are encouraged
and will be considered more favorably. Designs may incorporate factory fabricated components