Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
second stage, the valve shall completely stop the flow into the tank when the liquid level rises
above 98 percent of the tank capacity.
4-18.2.3 Tank screening. Provide sight screening for the tank to reduce the visual impact of
the tank. Visual screening may be vegetation or fencing, in compliance with the local
standards. [Design District shall ensure that aboveground tanks are suitably screened from
view. The requirements of this paragraph may be modified to suit local requirements.]
tanks shall comply with requirements of NFPA 58 and the ASME Code, Section VII, Pressure
Vessels. Tanks shall be pad mounted, and shall not be located inside any building. Tanks shall
be provided with all required gauges, shut off valves, safety devices, and suction connections.
Shut off valves shall be installed at each tank, at the service entry to the building (if not in sight
of the tank), and at each heating unit. No shut off valve shall be installed between a safety
device and tank. LP gas pressure shall be reduced to a minimum service pressure of 3.5 kPa
prior to the building entrance. LP gas pipe connectors shall be in accordance with UL 567.
ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. [Design District shall determine where power is to
be obtained and provide applicable characteristics of the primary system.]
Power. Power service to the buildings will be fed underground from the base
electrical distribution system to a pad-mounted transformer located near the primary building.
Power service to buildings will be fed underground from the transformer to building service
entrance equipment, located in the electrical equipment room.
Service entrance. Shall be in accordance with NFPA 70.
Transformers. Transformers shall be pad mount. The high voltage compartment shall
contain incoming primary feeder, load break switch, fuse protection and surge protection. The
nameplate rating for the transformer shall not be less than 90 percent of the KVA demand load
calculated for the transformer. [Insert transformer sizing, demand performance and other
applicable characteristics.]
Street and area lighting. Roadway lighting, including collector streets, shall be
provided in accordance with the IES Lighting Handbook. Provide lighting at roadway
intersections, and at intervals not exceeding 60.9 m between intersections. Area lighting shall
be provided at intervals not exceeding 60.9 m along area walkways not otherwise illuminated,
common area walks, and at all steps in area walkways. Area lighting shall be provided in
accordance with the IES Lighting Handbook. Luminaries shall be actuated by photoelectric
control, one photocell per circuit.
Metering. [Design District shall determine metering requirements.]
TELEPHONE. The [Telephone company] [DOIM] [Contractor] will furnish and install
distribution cables. Conduit required between underground terminal boxes and the buildings
shall be provided by the Contractor. Trenching and backfill required to install the telephone
company cables shall be included in the construction contract. Contractor provided boxes,
conduits, and trenching shall comply with local telephone company criteria and shall be
coordinated with the telephone company. Coordinate with Installation Director of Information
Management (DOIM) for specific requirements.
CATHODIC PROTECTION. Cathodic Protection (CP) is mandatory on buried
ferrous metallic structures as described below:
Department of Transportation guidance. Shall be as stated in 49 CFR, Part 192,
requires that all metallic natural gas piping be coated and cathodically protected regardless of