Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
conditioning zone for increased control.
[Edit the following list as applicable for the particular project. Note where systems are
applicable for core areas, repair bays, scheduled maintenance bays, warehouse bays and/or
detached storage. If not acceptable for any, insert "... (Deleted)" following subparagraph letter
and delete remainder of text. If the desired system type is different than what is described,
modify the description as required for the particular system desired or provide additional
paragraphs as necessary. Preparer of RFP shall get approval from installation for each system
Incremental equipment. [Provide individual thru-wall self-contained air-to air heat
pumps for each individual space that is to be conditioned.] [Provide individual thru-wall
packaged terminal air conditioning units for each individual space that is to be conditioned.]
[Fan coil units with hydronic heating [and cooling] shall be provided for each individual space
that is to be conditioned.] [Direct fired radiant heating units with shall be provided for each bay
that is to be heated.]
Air distribution systems. Heating [and cooling] will be provided from [rooftop air
handling units] [central air handling units] [warm air furnaces] [fan coil units]. [Air handling units
shall deliver air to [variable air volume boxes in] [dual duct boxes in] [induction units in] each
space.] ]. [Air handling units which deliver preconditioned ventilation air when fan coil units or
heat pumps are utilized, shall deliver the air directly to each space.] [Designate a maximum area
served per individual unit or a maximum unit size.]
Hydronic distribution systems. Provide pumped [condenser water] [hot water] [and]
[chilled water] piping system[s] with a standby pump provided for each system pump provided.
Chilled water will be provided from [central system] [central equipment indicated]. Hot water will
be provided from [central hot water system] [central steam system and convertor] [ central
equipment indicated]. Condenser water will be from [ground source heat pump system] [central
equipment indicated]
Ground source heat pump systems. Provide a ground source heat pump system
with water source heat pumps. System design shall be in accordance with IGSHPA standards.
Supplemental heating and cooling source shall be as indicated. [Designate a maximum area
served per individual unit or maximum unit size.]
Heating only systems. For spaces where heating only is required, provide [unit
heaters], [fin tube radiation], [cabinet heaters] or [convectors]. Units shall be [hydronic] [electric]
[gas fired].
Central heating equipment. Provide [gas fired hot water boiler] [oil fired hot water
boiler] [dual fuel gas/oil fired hot water boiler]. [Designate if multiple units are required.]
Central cooling equipment. Provide [packaged air cooled chiller] [water cooled
chiller with cooling tower] [water cooled chiller with evaporative cooler] for cooling. [Designate if
multiple units are required.]
Radiant heating systems. Provide overhead radiant heating with separate ventilation
air system. [Designate if multiple units are required.]
Exhaust systems. Provide [individual ceiling mounted fans for][central building