TM 5-814-9
(2) National Guard units.
The following fictional case study example illustrates the
(a) The following vehicles will return after
planning and design procedures presented in this manual. This
the monthly National Guard training
example involves Fort Swampy, a U.S. Army Forces Command
(FORSCOM) installation which also trains National Guard
units. The installation is located in a region with annual
31 light track
146 light wheel
precipitation level of 63 inches (1.6 meters), and a 1-hr., 10-yr
26 heavy track (no M-ls)
58 heavy wheel
design storm of 2 inches (5.1 centimeters) intensity. The
57 total tracked vehicles
204 total wheeled vehicles
evaporation rate at the installation is 68 inches (1.7 meters) per
year. The soil in the training areas contains some expansive,
(b) Seventy-eight percent of the total number
cohesive clays that will be a problem to remove from vehicles
of vehicles to be washed at the CVWF are
during the rainy periods throughout the year. Freezing tem-
peratures are not expected at the installation. The prevailing
winds are from the west-northwest.
(c) Washing requirements. The Regular Army at Fort
Swampy requires that all vehicles be washed as
Master planning consderations
they return from field exercises. The installation
a. Training schedule. Two major training activities
requires that vehicles returning from major field
were scheduled at Fort Swampy last year, with the
exercises be washed within a period of 54 hours.
same number of major exercises expected to con-
Vehicles returning from routine, daily training ac-
tinue in the future. The installation requires vehicle
tivities must be washed within a period of 3 hours.
washing all year. Table A-I lists all of the troop
The National Guard requires its vehicles to be
units on-post by motor pool assignment. During a
washed within 8 hours of completing field exer-
major exercise, the installation sends all working
cises. Both the installation and the National Guard
vehicles to the field. Range Control reports that it
have indicated some flexibility with these washing
takes from 2 to 4 days to recall all of the vehicles
times. Night time washing operations must be
from the field. Daily training activities consist of
provided to meet the installation's requirements;
three or four company teams going to and returning
therefore, lighting will be provided in the prepara-
from the field. Each company team consists of
tion, bath, wash station, and vehicle assembly areas.
approximately 8 tracked vehicles and 30 wheeled
Vehicle interior washing capabilities are also
vehicles. The National Guard units perform both
required by the installation. Since the vehicles are
monthly and annual training activities at the in-
returned to the motor pools for maintenance inspec-
stallation. The installation has provided the planner
tions, they must receive a detailed washing.
with a summary of the estimated number and types
of N. 0. vehicles returning from the training field on
d. Vehicle soiling. Soil samples taken from the
a monthly basis. This information is listed in table
training areas, as well as off dirty vehicles, have
A-2 and graphically in figure A-l to show the
been tested in a soils laboratory. A grain size
distribution of vehicles used throughout the training
analysis (dispersed) was made as described in
percent sand, 54 percent silt, and 32 percent clay.
b. Number and types of vehicles.
From the soil classification diagram (fig 3-3), the
soil is a silty clay with a soil type number (Si) of 4.
(1) Regular Army. Table A-1 shows the vehicle
Based on the amount of rain received annually at the
types by motor pool. Several units are in each
installation and the fact that the rainy season is also
motor pool. A major training exercise assumes
a training season, the climatic factor was chosen as
that every unit in every motor pool goes out to
2.0. From equation 3-1, the soiling index (Si) is
the field. Skirted vehicles, such as the M-l
calculated to be 8, which indicates heavy soiling
tank, are more difficult to clean since dirt can
conditions and thus potentially longer washing
collect under the skirt. Fort Swampy currently
times using standard means. A nondispersed
has 85 M-l tanks, and more are expected to be
particle size analysis was also made by the
acquired in the future. Seventy-nine percent of
laboratory which indicated that 50 percent of the
the vehicles are wheeled.