TM 5-814-9
particles were larger than 0.05 mm, 80 percent
first area will be located before the bath to
of the particles were larger than 0.02 mm, 90
allow troops to prepare the vehicles for
percent of the particles were larger than 0.01
washing and to queue-up behind the bath lane.
mm, and 97 percent of the particles were larger
The second preparation area will be between
than 0.005 mm.
the bath exit and the entrance to the wash
stations, this is a queuing area for vehicles that
e. Installation requirements.
have left the bath or have bypassed the bath.
(1) Prewash. A bath prewash is indicated at Fort
(4) Waste washwater treatment. Fort Swampy
Swampy because cohesive soil found in the
purchases potable water from a local water
training areas, combined with the limited
district at a current price of$ 1 per 1000
washing period, require the type of prewashing
gallons (3785 liters). The existing wastewater
best served by a bath facility. To achieve the
treatment system at the installation does not
desired soaking action on the skirted M- 1
have the capacity to treat the large hydraulic
tanks for gross soil removal, the depth of water
and solids loadings expected from the CVWF.
in the bath should be adjustable up to 3.5 feet
In addition, the State will not allow discharge
(1.1 meters).
to the environment. Therefore, a total recycle
system is required. Due to the high clay
(2) Wash stations. The wash stations will be the
content of soils in the training area, laboratory
standard design described in chapter 4. Interior
settling tests have indicated extremely long
wash equipment will be included. Since
detention times should be required for a lagoon
tracked vehicles will also be using the wash
treatment, therefore a sand filter system was
stations, each island must be protected by
chosen as the form of secondary treatment
concrete barriers and all pavement in the
CVWF must be constructed of concrete.
(5) Makeup water. Sources have been investigated
and the only reliable, environmentally
(3) Preparation area. Since the CVWF will have
acceptable source of makeup water is the po-
a bath, two preparation areas are required. The
table water system. The potable water supply