feet) of non-sterile supplies will be needed for each bed each day.
Each cart will be assumed to be of 0.85 cubic meters (30 cubic feet)
b. Radiology: One cart for every 300 radiographic procedures for each
average day.
c. Laboratory: One cart for every 3,000 laboratory procedures for each
average day.
d. Emergency and Clinics: The average number of patient visits per day
times 0.06 cubic meters (2 cubic feet) of non-sterile supplies per
visit per day.
e. Administration: One non-sterile supply cart for each 100 beds each
The number of gift and mail carts will be determined as follows:
a. Patient Nursing Units: One cart for every 40 beds each day.
b. Administration: One cart for every 100 beds each day.
Housekeeping supplies will require two carts per floor per day.
Waste collection factors will be as follows:
a. Inpatient Nursing Units: 0.3 cubic meters (one cubic foot) per bed
per day.
b. Surgery and Delivery: One cart for each 20 procedures per average
c. Radiology: One cart for each 200 procedures per average day.
d. Laboratory: One cart for each 2,000 determinations per average day
Administration: One cart each day for every 100 beds.
f. Dietary: 0.06 cubic meters (two cubic feet) of dietary waste per bed
each day.
g. Emergency and Clinics: The average number of patient visits per day
times 0.06 cubic meters (2 cubic feet) of waste supplies per visit per
Compute inpatient stretcher trips as 40 percent of the average
inpatient census times two trips per day.
Operation and maintenance activity procedures require 0.2 elevator
trips per bed each day.
Special equipment supply procedures require one elevator trip per
day per floor.
Inpatient administration and discharge activity produces elevator
traffic equal for 20 percent of the hospital bed capacity times two trips per