Operation. Elevators will be arranged to operate with or without
attendants and will be provided with key operated switches for hospital
priority service. Each elevator bank will be equipped for emergency operation
by means of a key operated switch at each landing. This switch will cause the
closest available car to bypass all other calls in response to an emergency
call. Duplex collective operation shall be provided for two-car banks. Three
or four car banks shall be group operation. An on-demand microprocessor
system shall be provided for all elevator controls.
Controls shall operate properly with a 500 kHz to 1300 MHz radio frequency
signal, transmitted at a power level of not less than 100 watts effective
radiated power (ERP) at a distance of three feet. The equipment shall be
provided with electro-magnetic interference (EMI) shielding within FCC
guidelines. Noise level relating to the elevator equipment and its operation
shall not exceed 80 dBa in the machine room, measured three feet above the
finished floor and three feet from the equipment.
Code Blue Controls. Provide medical emergency elevator control,
sometimes called Code Blue Control, as a means of overriding normal operation
of elevators capable of medical emergency transportation of a patient in bed,
accompanied by attendants. This control feature will be provided in
conjunction with, or in addition to, controls provided for fire department
emergency use. Firefighters' operation, as defined in ASME A17.1, shall
override Code Blue Control.
Doors. Passenger and hospital service elevators will have center
opening doors. Two-speed side opening doors may be provided in hospitals,
which are equipped with separate material handling systems. Door closing time
must comply with ASME code requirements. Minimum door opening speed will be
0.760 meters per second (2-1/2 feet per second) except for high speed
elevators 2.54 meters per second (500 fpm) and over where the door opening
speed will be 0.760 to 0.910 meters per second (2.5 to 3.0 fps.) Equip
hospital service elevators with buttons to extend door open time, adjustable
between 0 to 30 seconds. All elevator car doors shall be provided with
Signals. Install hall position indicators at the main floor(s)
containing the command and outpatient entrances. Provide hall push button
stations with call register lights. Install hall lanterns with an audible
signal on all elevators. Install car position indicators in each car with
floor designations, a floor directory signal and direction arrows. Car
operating panels will use car register type floor buttons. Provide a lobby
control panel on elevator banks with two or more cars.
Emergency Power. Connect elevators to operate on alternate source
emergency power in conformance with electric power and lighting criteria.
Emergency power selection switches are required for each bank of elevators.
The elevator control system will have an automatic transfer switch, which
returns each elevator to the main floor, one car at a time. The last car to
arrive at the main floor will automatically be selected to operate at normal
design speed.
Machine Rooms.
Locate electric traction elevator machine rooms