Gravity Chutes. Provide chute access on user levels through a
separate room with dimensions adequate for holding the collection cart, with
room doors closed, while the attendant is charging the chute.
Where both
laundry and trash chutes are used, each shall be in a separate and clearly
marked room. Size terminal rooms to accumulate the amount of materials
dictated by the waste management study. Minimum dimension shall allow
accumulation of twenty-four hours of collected materials. Design shall ensure
that collected material does not block the entrance door or hinder the pickup
a. Consider gravity chutes, either alone or in combination with
horizontal pneumatic chutes, for internal waste transportation in
multi-story institutions. Also consider hospital service elevators
and cart lifts for internal transportation of solid wastes in
multistory buildings.
b. When gravity chute systems are included in multistory facilities,
provide one chute system for soiled linen with a separate chute
system for waste. Single chute, dual purpose systems will not be
used. Separate charging areas, separate enclosure shafts and separate
discharge rooms are required, although they may be side by side.
Separate collection areas for soiled linen and for solid waste will
be located near the loading dock. Bagged solid waste may be manually
handled at the bottom of gravity chutes by loading the bags into
carts, which are subsequently moved to the disposal point, or it may
be automatically discharged into compactors.
c. Design gravity chutes in accordance with NFPA 82. The minimum
diameter of gravity rubbish chutes will be 600mm (24 inches.) Chutes
must penetrate the roof of the building, be within a fire rated
enclosure, be provided with automatic sprinklers, and be charged
within a fire-rated room, which is provided with automatic
sprinklers. These requirements apply to both soiled linen and solid
waste gravity chutes. Chutes are not required to be refractory
d. Vertically aligned charging doors of the same chute system will be
interlocked so that only one station can be charged at one time,
thereby reducing the possibility of charges jamming within the chute.
Provide gravity chutes with negative pressure, relative to the
charging area, to eliminate aerosol discharged into the charging
areas when charging doors are opened.
e. The concept design analysis will contain basic chute system
Dumbwaiters, Counter Height. Automatic loading and unloading
shall be considered. Dumbwaiters, without automated devices, shall have
powered or manual doors. Powered doors shall be vertical lift type and have
upper and lower safety edges.
Dumbwaiters, Floor Loading. Automatic loading and unloading
shall be considered. Floor loading dumbwaiters shall have powered vertical
lift bi-parting doors with both upper and lower safety edges.
Dumbwaiter Platform Size. Dumbwaiter systems will be limited to a
maximum platform size of 0.8 square meters (9 square feet) and maximum