Constructability. An analytical study which reviews the
methodology, ease (or difficulty) with which a project can be
administered, bid, built, enforced, understood, and phased which
determines degrees of difficulty and construction time required
to build a Medical Treatment Facility. (See Section 2).
Construction Agent. The agency designated by the Secretary of
Defense (SECDEF) responsible geographically (or by agreement) to
erect, via contract, designs of Medical Treatment Facilities
which have been coordinated by the Design Agents. Responsible
for the project from Invitation for Bids (IFB) through Beneficial
Occupancy (BOD) through the Warranty period(s). Current
Construction Agents are:
a) The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
b) The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC)
c) The Air Force Engineers (AF/CECM) in the United Kingdom.
Construction Documents. All of the written, graphic and
pictorial documents prepared or assembled for describing the
design, location and physical characteristics of the elements of
the project necessary for contractually obligating the work to a
building contractor.
Construction Management Plan (CMP). Establishes processes and
procedures for the execution of the construction contract.
Contingency Medical Treatment Facility (CMTF). An entity within
the services' wartime organization structure which provides
medical care during the contingency, war, or national emergency.
Contingency Medical Treatment Facilities include medical
treatment facilities afloat, deployable medical systems
(DEPMEDS), and organizational medical assets.
Contract Documents (CD's). Those design drawings and
specifications which, as a unit, constitute the basis for
receiving bids and awarding a contract for construction. CD's
are the basis on which a building is constructed.
Continental United States.
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). The process of assessing all
pertinent costs and benefits, usually performed in terms of an
expected life-cycle of the system.
Court. An open, uncovered, unoccupied space, unobstructed to the
sky, bounded on three or more sides by exterior building walls.
Court, Enclosed. A court bounded on all sides by the exterior
walls of a building or exterior walls and lot lines on which
walls are permitted.
CP&D. Central Processing and Distribution.