Design Agent (DA). That agency, designated by the Secretary of
Defense (SECDEF), responsible to design facilities in the
Military Construction Program. Design Agents are responsible for
the design of projects from receipt of a Design Authorization
from DMFO through turning it over to the Construction Agents.
Design Agents are:
a) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The USACE
Medical Facilities Office (MFO) is the primary USACE
point of contact with OASD(HA).
b) The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). The
NAVFAC Medical Facilities Design Office (MFDO) is the
primary NAVFAC point of contact with OASD(HA).
c) The Air Force Engineers (AF/CECM) in the United Kingdom.
Air Force Civil Engineering Directorate of Engineering is
the primary point of contact with OASD(HA).
Design Authorization (DA). The notice from DMFO to the Design
Agents to proceed with A-E selection and design of a project to a
designated level of effort. Usually designates project, project
fiscal year, project location, programmed amount (PA), scope of
the project (size in square feet), which meetings DMFO will
attend, any deviations from the submittal requirements in this
MIL-HDBK, and whether or not DMFO wishes to participate in the A-
E selection process.
Design Energy Target (DET). An energy-use performance target for
a facility, not to include process loads. (See Section 7).
Design Energy Use (DEU). A calculation of the estimated energy
consumption of a facility, not to include process loads. (See
Section 7).
Design Energy Target.
Design Energy Usage.
Defense Health Council.
Dental High Vacuum for oral evacuation.
Disabled Person. An individual who has a physical or mental
condition which, to a material degree, limits, contributes to
limiting or, if not corrected, will probably result in limiting
the individual's performance or activities to the extend of
constituting a substantial physical, mental, or vocational
Dental Low Vacuum for oral evacuation.
Defense Medical Facilities Office.
DoD Medical Space Planning Committee. A committee that is
responsible for developing health facility sizing criteria and