Governing Body. The individual, group, or agency that has
ultimate authority and responsibility for the overall operation
of the organization.
The degree or inclination of slope at ground level.
Gravity Chutes. Usually used for the vertical return of trash
and linen (separate chutes) to a holding and collection room at
the base of each chute.
Green Board.
Moisture resistant gypsum board.
Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). A device whose function
current to ground exceeds some predetermined value that is less
than that required to operate the overcurrent protective device
of the supply circuit.
Grounding System. A system of conductors that provides a low-
impedance return path for leakage and fault currents. It
coordinates with but may be locally more extensive than the
grounding system described in Article 250 of NFPA 70, National
Electrical Code.
Gross Square Feet.
Gross Square Meters.
Handling Capacity, Elevator. The "quantity" measure of elevator
service is called handling capacity. Handling capacity is the
number of persons and vehicles which can be transported by the
elevator system in a given length of time. Average interval and
handling capacity must be measured or calculated for the same
designated time period to be meaningful.
Handrail. A bar, pipe, or similar member designed to furnish
persons with a handhold. (A handrail, if of suitable design, may
also serve as part of a guard.)
Hazardous Area in Laboratories. The area inside fume hoods or
enclosures where tests or procedures are being conducted.
Hazardous Areas. Areas of structures, buildings, or parts
thereof having a degree of hazard greater than that normal to the
general occupancy of the building or structure, such as storage
or use of combustibles or flammables, toxic, noxious, or
corrosive materials, or use of heat-producing appliances.
Hazardous Location. A flammable anesthetizing location or any
location where flammable agents are used or stored. See National
Electric Code, Article 500.
Hazardous Waste. Waste which is 1) toxic, 2) infectious, 3)
radioactive, 4) reactive, ignitable (spontaneously), or