UFC 4-721-11.1
26 Nov 01
3-1.1 Programming is the responsibility of the military installation, Army Major Command (MACOM), and
the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) is responsible for execution. This chapter addresses the process of project development from
the perspective of USACE validation of the project developed by the installation, and validated by the
MACOM and ACSIM. USACE activities may provide programming assistance on a reimbursable basis
and are encouraged to offer this service to the Installations they support. Programming should conform
to the requirements of AR 210-50 (reference 3-1), and AR 415-15 (reference 3-2).
3-2.1 The Department of the Army shall provide suitable living space and associated facilities for military
personnel. In planning, the following should be considered:
3-2.1.1 Project Scope and Cost Limits. The scope of each construction project will provide for land
planning, site preparation, design, construction, equipment, and support facilities such as roads, streets,
walks, utility systems, landscaping, parking, and recreation areas (when applicable). The maximum
project cost, including supervision and administration costs, are fixed when Congress approves the
programming documents.
3-2.1.2 Programming. Close attention must be given to preliminary planning actions. The Department of
Defense (DoD) relies on the programming documents which result from preliminary planning
accomplished by the military installations to support the program presented to Congress. After legislative
enactment, project scope revisions due to inadequate preliminary planning can result in project
3-3.1 The programming document, DD Form 1391, is the product of the investigations described in this
chapter. The DD Form 1391 should accurately reflect the project scope in terms of the number of
barracks modules, facility (building) types, facility size limitations, facility development criteria, site
development requirements, supporting utility upgrades, sustainability issues, demolition (as applicable),
estimated design costs for design build projects and all other anticipated costs to accomplish the project.
3-3.1.1 In accordance with AR 415-15, Paragraph 3-5, (reference 3-2), the USACE Major Subordinate
Command (MSC) will review the project documentation submitted by the MACOM for compliance with
technical standards, criteria, and cost engineering requirements and realism. This chapter outlines
specific requirements which must be checked. This programming documentation review will include a site
3-3.1.2 Once the review has been completed and revisions made, the MSC will forward to the MACOM a
statement that the project scope and anticipated costs comply with Army standards, criteria, and cost
engineering considerations, that deviations indicated are justified, and that sufficient information is
available to commence the RFP process. In addition, this statement will list those outstanding issues that
must be resolved before budget submission to prevent project delay or loss.