UFC 4-721-11.1
26 Nov 01
c. Integration of Interior Support Systems. This subfactor evaluates the anticipated integration of the
various interior building support systems. Since all proposal information will likely be narrative in nature, the
evaluators must concentrate on expertise and experience to ascertain anticipated problems with the
interaction of interior support systems. Interior support systems are all those interior systems which support
the occupants within the facility. They include, HVAC, electrical power and lighting, plumbing,
communications, cable television, and any other special support systems.
Other Considerations: None
/__ / Excellent
/__ / Above Average
\ /1/ /__ / Average
\ /1/ /__ / Poor
/__ / Unacceptable
Proposal Strengths. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal strengths in the area of
Integration of Interior Support Systems. Comments are required for all ratings above "AVERAGE".
Proposal Weaknesses. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal weaknesses in the area
of Integration of Interior Support Systems. Comments are required for all ratings above
Other Comments. Include any other comments with respect to the Integration of Interior Support
Systems here.
Appendix B Page 14