UFC 4-730-01
7 April 2006
including change 1, 20 June 2006
Design to convey a strong sense of privacy through the use of full-height
partitions extending to underside of structure with sound insulation. Provide a Sound
Transmission Coefficient (STC) rating of 50 to 55. Provide a quad
power/data/telephone outlet on at least three walls of the office. Provide additional
outlets as needed to operate additional equipment.
Consider providing task lighting in each office. For clinical counseling
offices or other offices where sensitive discussions with customers may take place,
consider providing a duress alarm activation point in a discrete location within easy
access for the staff member. This activation point will activate a silent alarm at the
reception and management areas so that the counselor or staff member can signal for
LENDING LOCKER. This subset of the relocation assistance program is
a storage room for items such as pots, pans, and irons that may be loaned to recently
relocated military personnel and their families. Design with adequate and varied
shelving to accommodate the many different types of items in the locker's inventory. As
many of the items may be bulky or heavy (such as a futon), provide direct access to an
exterior loading area for easy customer loading and unloading. If a separate exterior
entrance is not possible for a refit project, locate the Lending Locker adjacent to the
Lobby and with direct access to the front entrance. See Figure 4-4 for an illustration of
the basic space unit of the Lending Locker. The space illustrated corresponds to the