UFC 4-730-01
7 April 2006
including change 1, 20 June 2006
Furniture will consist of upholstered items such as armchairs and sofas
arranged to support group therapy. Consider side tables and coffee tables with
residential-type accent and task lighting such as table and floor lamps.
Consider providing a one-way mirror to allow visual access to this room
from the Clinical Supervisor's office (a Private Office). This is to facilitate training and to
provide additional security.
WAITING/DECOMPRESSION ROOM. This optional space is generally
only provided when clinical counseling is offered in the FSC. In some large facilities, it
may be provided in support of other programs. It must have two access points: one
directly from the counseling offices and one that leads to public space within the FSC.
This room provides space for distraught customers waiting to see a counselor or allows
the customer to compose him or herself after an emotionally difficult session prior to
reencountering the public. It requires a high degree of privacy.
Use full-height partitions extending to the underside of structure with
sound insulation. Provide a Sound Transmission Coefficient (STC) rating of 50 to 55.
Accommodate upholstered furniture such as armchairs and sofas.
Consider residential type accent and task lighting such as table and floor lamps.
CENTRAL SECURE FILE STORAGE ROOM. This space is required for
facilities providing clinical services to store customer files containing personal
information. Program staff members do not store sensitive customer information in their
offices. Locate this space in a relatively central location that is not in a public area of
the facility. It must have a high degree of security and should have a space for file
storage and a workstation. Service Exception: For Army facilities, consider locating
the Secure File Storage Room within close proximity of the Information & Referral desk.
As computer security improves and the reliance on paper files diminishes,
some Services may drop the requirement for a Central Secure File Storage Room.
Provide lockable filing cabinets and a room security system.
Consider providing a keyless entry system. In larger facilities consider
using a high-density storage system.
DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATION. This is the operational component of the
facility and is dedicated to its management. The offices should allow for personalized
workspace and private discussions. The area should be directly accessible to the I&R.
It should be designed to feel as though it is a part of the facility and not a separate
function. This area typically includes the following spaces:
Director's office,
Service Exception: The Air Force also provides a Superintendent's