DG 1110-3-112 May 1979
(1) Development and approval of functional requirements in conjunction with the criteria in this
(2) Justification of functional requirements falling beyond the scope of criteria.
(3) Preparation and submission of the Project Development Brochure required by AR 415-20.
(4) Obtaining action to gain site approval if the project is not sited in accordance with the HQDA
approved master plan.
(5) Preparation and submission of DD Form 1391, Military Construction Project Data, and
supporting data in accordance with AR 415-15.
(6) Approval of concept designs to certify compliance with functional requirements.
(7) Procurement and placement of related furnishings and equipment.
b. DESIGN AGENCY. The Corps of Engineers field office responsible for design shall insure that:
(1) Functional requirements of the installation are recognized and incorporated into the project
(2) Requirements of the installation fall within the scope of the criteria in this guide.
(3) Requests by the installation for deviations from these criteria are completely justified and
(4) Quality standards for overall design are emphasized as stated herein.
(5) Assemblage of user information is complete at the completion of project construction, and
provided, together with the completion records required by AR 415-10, to the installation (Facilities
(6) Copies of appropriate user information are provided to the director of the ACES center.
a. NET SPACE. The Net Assignable Square Feet (NASF) used for a specific function. It includes
space required for internal (secondary) circulation within areas where appropriate.