DG 1110-3-112 May 1979
1-6 DEFINITIONS (cont'd)
b. GROSS SPACE. The total space, in Gross Square Feet (GSF), of all floors within the outside
dimensions of the building excluding central mechanical equipment space.
c. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS. Space, performance and operational requirements related to
staff, instructional and support activities, including circulation.
d. SPACE ALLOCATION CRITERIA. Standards prescribed to define and evaluate acceptable
space allotments to satisfy functional requirements. In this guide, such criteria are often given as net
assignable square feet (NASF), or in percentages or subdivisions thereof.
e. DESIGN CRITERIA. Standards prescribed to define and evaluate acceptable utilitarian, en-
vironmental and aesthetic conditions to satisfy functional requirements.
f. SPACE ORGANIZATION PRINCIPLES. Rules exemplified in the organization of spaces into a
building design.