DG 1110-3-112 May 1979
2-4 ANALYZING SITE (cont'd)
(9) Adaptable to barrier-free design for both able-bodied and handicapped persons.
b. PRELIMINARY SITE LAYOUT. Although a detailed site plan is not normally required for
submission with the DD Form 1391, preparation of a site layout will assist in preliminary budgeting
Tentative orientation of the building should take into consideration the following factors:
(1) Convenience of access for pedestrians, drivers of service vehicles.
(2) Direction of prevailing wind and sun angles.
(3) Land forms, grading, drainage, and tree coverage.
(4) Views (desirable and undesirable).
(5) Size, location and sufficiency of utility connections.
(6) Future expansion.
c. ESTIMATING SITE COSTS. Empirical cost estimating data are given in AR 415-17. Establishing
the costs of site requirements is initially the most important consideration. Therefore, specific site
requirements must be determined in conjunction with building requirements, and listed as separate
items (Support
Facilities) on DD Form 1391. The following list indicates typical items that should
be considered.
Site preparation
Special foundations
Grading, paving (drives, parking and walks)
Fencing or walls
Landscape planting
Exterior electrical
Sanitary sewer
a. MAXIMUM SPACE ALLOWANCES. Table 2-1 summarizes maximum space allowances for
ACES Centers based on DOD Construction Criteria. Gross space includes maximum allowance for
ACES activities, including Career Advisory and Counseling (CAC), to the outside dimensions of the
building excluding central mechanical equipment space. Approximate mechanical space is a rough
estimate of the additional space required to individually heat and air condition each size of building in a
moderate climate. Corresponding figures obtained from determining the actual space needs as
discussed in the following paragraphs, will identify the "gross space" and "mech space" requirements
to be entered (Primary Facility) on DD Form 1391