DG 1110-3-112 May 1979
the soldiers specialty. Commisssioned Officers who lack a baccalaureate are encouraged to attain an
undergraduate degree. Commissioned officers are urged to get a graduate degree. The degree may
be in a discipline related to their specialty or in a shortage discipline determined by the Army
Educational Requirements Board.
(3) Others; dependents, retirees, civilians, etc. Persons in this category are encouraged to make
use of ACES programs, and will be admitted to programs in which space is available.
For planning purposes the staff may be considered in two groups: administrative and counselor. These
groups must be considered separately in terms of numbers of each type authorized. Specific staff
functions and staffing levels are given in DA PAM 570-551. Instructors are normally contracted
individually or from local and regional institutions, rather than being retained as permanent staff.
(1) Administrative. The administrative staff includes a director (Education Service Officer), adminis-
trators (Education Service Specialists), clerks (Administrative Specialists or Education Technicians),
and typists. The administrative staff may also include a registrar, librarian and special program
administrators. In some cases, individuals or institutions providing contracted services may also
furnish administrative staff.
(2) Counselor. A staff of full-time counselors is authorized (one per 1,250 military personnel) to advise
soldiers on the selection of courses and on career plans. AR 621-5, ACES, requires counselors
to interview every new arrival at the installation during in-processing, and periodically thereafter, to
assess the individual's educational background. Counselors are available to personnel throughout
their stay on post.
(1) Audio-Visual. Films, slides, tape recorders, etc., are used to promote better learning by
increasing the immediacy of experience. They are used extensively in language and reading
instruction, and for teaching MOS-related material that involves the use of equipment under conditions
that cannot be readily duplicated in the classroom.
(2) Self-Paced Learning. Programed instruction is frequently used, especially for MOS-related
material. Students proceed at their own pace, and learning is broken down into small steps.
The sequence of steps for planning is delineated in AR 415-15. Once a need for an ACES Center has
been recognized by the installation, the building functional requirements and subsequent space needs