UFC 4-740-02
26 September 2006
f. Program directors, and
g. Facility/program operations staff.
The Fitness Facility comprises the fitness program spaces, the administrative area, and
building support.
An additional component for some facilities is the Health and Wellness Center
(HAWC)/health promotions. This component includes health promotions, health
education, and fitness testing functions. Service Exceptions: Only the Air Force
provides the Health and Wellness Center as a consolidated center. The Marine Corps
provides the health promotion functions in at least one Fitness Facility on an Installation
and integrates fitness testing with their fitness program. The Army may provide some of
the functions of the Health and Wellness Center within their fitness program.
Additionally, there are core functional program areas and optional functional program
areas. All functional program areas are listed and described in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. All
of these spaces are described in greater detail in Chapters 2 and 4. Additionally, due to
the numerous possible variations of Fitness Facility programs, a special space program
tool has been developed to help users navigate the intra- and inter-Service
permutations. This tool is described in paragraph 2-2.
Fitness Program, Administrative Areas, and Building Support.
Table 1-1 lists the core and optional areas for the fitness program, administrative areas,
and building support. These are the traditional functions of a Fitness Facility. They
provide facilities and support services to meet the general fitness, skill development,
training, and sports needs of all authorized users.