UFC 4-740-02
26 September 2006
Functional Program Area
Description/Service Exceptions
Receiving and equipment repair
Receiving, storage, and repair (with tool storage).
Adjacent to loading dock or double exterior doors
and the fitness spaces. Area to hold (if
necessary), assemble, and repair equipment.
Also store overflow from the equipment issue (i.e.
seasonal items). Lockable storage with a sub
area of additional secure storage.
Additional programmatic storage
Optional storage for additional, optional program
equipment (i.e. boxing ring). May be combined
with receiving/equipment repair.
Other Program Areas
Note that pools and natatoriums are a different
category code. If a pool/natatorium is desired, it
will affect the adjacencies and traffic flow within
the building. See Figure 2.3 for these
adjacencies. For space and technical criteria for
pools/natatoriums, refer to the following additional
Army, US Army Community and Family
Support Center (CFSC),
Navy and Marine Corps. NAVFAC P-80,
Facility Planning Criteria for Navy and Marine
Corps Shore Installations CCN 740-53 and
750; and
Air Force. UFC 4-750-07F, Aquatic Facilities.
Army required--space for indoor track may be
used for additional cardio space in temperate
locations with approval of CFSC.
Air Force required--Installation determines indoor
track or outdoor track.
Navy and Marine Corps--optional. Navy
determines permissibility by center size and
Massage room
Optional room for massage. Not supported by
Physical therapy/rehabilitation training
Optional. Similar functional requirements to
fitness assessment office. Not supported by
Navy. Air Force recommends locating this
function in the HAWC (see Table 1-2).
Expanded retail
Optional. Retail area for clothes, sports
equipment. Not supported by Navy.
Expanded juice bar
Optional. A separate counter in lobby space.
May be contract space. Not supported by Navy.
Family changing room
Required for Army and Navy if co-located with a
pool/natatorium. Optional for Air Force and
Marine Corps. Single-person locker room with
shower, lavatory, and toilet--family member
accompanies child. Adjacent to locker area and
pool (if provided).