UFC 4-740-02
26 September 2006
Functional Program Area
Description/Service Exceptions
Fitness program manager's office
Private office adjacent to fitness assessment room
and fitness spaces. May include fitness testing
equipment. Marine Corps requires fitness testing
Fitness assessment room
Private office with desk, computer, and chairs for
staff to meet with customer adjacent to fitness
spaces. Includes fitness testing equipment.
Structured Activities
Structured activity space
Can be used as needed, i.e. for climbing wall,
spinning, martial arts/boxing, other structured
activity, or rolled into other functional areas as
needed. Army requires this as a stand-alone
Racquetball courts
Sized and specified to include wally ball, squash,
and handball.
Spectator area/officiating
Optional for Marine Corps. Required for AF and
Army. Not supported by Navy.
Locker Rooms
Men's Locker Room
Locker/changing area
Shower/drying area
Separate male/female facilities. Each locker room
Toilet area
is divided into the three sub areas indicated.
Women's Locker Room
Locker/changing area
Shower/drying area
Toilet area
Separate male/female facilities. Optional for Army
to have either sauna or steam room (see below).
Optional for Air Force and Marine Corps.
Steam room
Separate male/female facilities. Optional for Army
to have either steam room or sauna (see above).
Optional for Air Force. Not supported by Marine
Hot tub
Optional. May be separate male/female or may be
combined. Not supported by Army.
Convertible locker space
Optional for Army and Air Force. Optional for
Marine Corps only in Large or Extra Large
Facilities. Not supported by Navy. This is
locker/changing space that can be used for
additional male or female space to accommodate
tournaments and/or changing demographics. It is
a separate room between the male and female
locker rooms with double-locked doors into each.
Support Areas
For towels and uniforms. Adjacent to receiving (if
laundry service used) and control desk, if