UFC 4-740-06
12 January 2006
The space program for Youth Centers is developed through the use of an interactive
spreadsheet. It is completed by first entering the appropriate Service branch; then
selecting the appropriate sizes for the three Program areas, the additional program
spaces and options, the administrative area, and the site areas. The selections will vary
depending on the Service branch selected. This is a result of the appropriate Service
exceptions. As selections are made, the program areas are calculated and summed for
both the building and the site.
This spreadsheet is available as a downloadable, zipped Microsoft Excel file from the
Samples of the interactive spreadsheet with the Service branch selected as "Army" and
"Navy" are illustrated in Figures 2-1 and 2-2, respectively. Figure 2-1 is a blank Army
form and Figure 2-2 shows a completed Navy sample. These two Services were
chosen to illustrate some of the differences in the options available on the form
depending on the Service selected in the first line.
Appendix B.
The data upon which the interactive spreadsheet is based is illustrated in Appendix B.
Do not use Appendix B to develop the space program--use only the interactive
Planning and Coordination.
The space program developed through the use of the interactive spreadsheet serves as
a guideline for the Youth Center planning team and generally represents the maximum
space allowed. The final space program for a new Youth Center will need to be
carefully determined by installation representatives and the appropriate Service
program office guided by the criteria in this UFC.