DG 1110.3.120
tained within staff and budgetary limits, and then
master plan that designates the MDC site. Ap-
apply constraints of space allowances to a broad-
proval of a changed master plan must precede
scope estimate of needs.
the project's placement in the Short-Range Con-
struction Program.
The adjusted list of program elements may still
exceed general facility allowances. First be sure
every essential activity component is noted and
assigned a place in the general space estimate,
even if its best functional relationship and exact
requirements are undetermined.
Location selection should be understood to be
a process of reconsideration. Most installations
At this stage, the estimate is based on very gen-
will already have a DA approved master plan,
eral assumptions that careful planning may sub-
with a Music and Drama Center site on it. This
sequently bring into line with stated limits. How-
previous site selection will presumably have
ever, if the divergence is great, do not assume
been based on a less thorough and up-to-date
that "something can be worked out" in detailed
understanding of the MDC's program than this
refinement. Chapter 3 of this Guide will help de-
`Guide sets forth, but the existing site may still
termine if estimates of smaller groups of activ-
be valid and master plan rationales should be
ities are unrealistic in size or functionality. For
understood before attempting any change. De-
instance, set storage and rehearsal cannot oc-
pending on the site chosen, there may be re-
cupy the same space. However, this is not the
quired a request for approval of changes in the
time to eliminate essential functions. If unsure,
installation master plan, in accordance with AR
it is entirely appropriate to retain professional
210-20, Master Planning for Permanent Army
consultants to advise on application of this
Guide's criteria to the desired program.
The MDC site is usually assigned to the Com-
Finally, the using service should have in hand a
munity Facility Complex, but since the master
statement of activities to be accommodated as
plan is basically a land-use plan, this designation
essential functions. If the program scope has
often covers a large area. Established installa-
been reduced significantly, compare it to original
tions have assigned a specific plot for the MDC
program goals. Although the realistic quantita-
in relationship to other existing facilities. Younger
tive scope of activity may have been altered,
installations that have not physically developed
qualitatively it should remain equal. If a major
the land may offer alternative MDC sites. While
objective has been sacrificed, the reason for
location in the community complex is correct for
making that decision must be clear. The decision
several reasons, the proximity of existing utility
may have resulted from an error in choosing
services and access roads may make the pre-
activities to eliminate or from a simple failure to
selected site an economic necessity.
transfer an important program goal character-
istic to the activities remaining. For instance, bas-
ing the description of a single performance fa-
cility on the needs of incoming commercial
shows may inadvertently limit opportunities for
If there is flexibility in site selection, or if analysis
local participation. However, there may be jus-
of the master plan warrants relocation, the site
tification for departure from general standard
selection should be based upon the activity pro-
constraints. These must be thoroughly and firmly
gram and function understandings gained dur-
documented since the acceptable basis for al-
ing Activity Selection (2-4 above). Useful infor-
tering project scope at a later date is very limited.
mation concerning procedures, methods, and
An economic analysis of the program is advised,
criteria considerations is furnished by several
and a specifically designed "market survey"
sources in the Technical Manual series, including
should be conducted to substantiate the need for
TM 5-803-1, Master Planning Principles and Pro-
the program and its projected goal-effectiveness.
cedures; TM 5-803-3, Site Planning; and TM
Of the possible variations, the first to be explored
5-803-6, Site Planning of Community Centers.
should be any deviation from the DA approved