DG 1110.3.120
mate to accompany the DD Form 1391. The es-
Receipt of Short Range Construction Program
timate is developed in accordance with AR
guidance is the signal to prepare formal sub-
415-17, Empirical Cost Estimates, for the pri-
mission material in accordance with regulations
mary facility and supporting facilities defined by
for MCA projects. This is a joint effort of the using
AR 415-20. Primary facilities will be in the code
service and facilities engineer, intended to spec-
category 740-76 unless amended listing is issued.
ify functional requirements in a way that me-
thodically defines the uses and performance cri-
In addition to this estimate, a general site plan
teria of the building by reference to existing
will be furnished for a proposed facility sited in
standards and this Guide. A preliminary cost es-
accordance with the DA approved master plan.
timate is made at the same time and the entire
If the facility is not so sited, both general site
package sent back to major command with DD
plan and a specially prepared detail site plan will
Form 1391, an important summary of project
be furnished in accordance with AR 415-15.
installation. The process is essentially a codifi-
cation of the material prepared for installation
C. DD FORM 1391
command approval.
This is a summary project description to be com-
If the project is then placed in the SRCP and ap-
pleted with the greatest care, following proce-
proved, a directive will be issued by OCE to the
dures detailed in AR 415-15. Every block should
district engineer or construction service field of-
be completed with special attention given to the
fice to proceed with concept design. The con-
description of the requirement for the project.
struction service compiles design criteria (a nuts-
and-bolts parallel of functional requirements)
that reaches OSD, OMB, and the Congress. More
and pre-concept control data, which include a
detailed justification is prepared only for the
project site plan, basic building plan, outline
Army witness presenting program and budget
specifications, and refined cost estimate.
requests at the DA level.
The statement of functional requirements (PDB)
is the principal project reference for planning,
design, and evaluation. It is written in language
comprehensible to the using service, major com-
mand, the construction service and design per-
sonnel. TM 5-800-3 contains complete instruc-
Functional requirements and criteria cannot be
tions for its preparation, which parallels the
developed without reference to subsequent
content of this chapter of the Design Guide. AR
chapters of this Guide. However, it is possible to
415-20 establishes procedures.
outline the kinds of information involved, sug-
gest an orderly approach to recording and pre-
The using service must bear in mind that this is
senting it, and remark on special considerations
the last major opportunity to state its require-
arising in military construction projects.
ments in the most complete, specific form it can,
including those requirements difficult to quan-
The basic PDB illustrated in TM 5-800-3 is in-
tify. The statement of design criteria prepared by
adequate for defining functional requirements of
the district engineer is a further elaboration of
Music and Drama Centers. Although it is in-
PDB content. But the using service should not
tended to furnish statements of special require-
assume provision will be made for anything that
ments, its topical procedure has been designed
is not called for. This is also the time to request
for relatively routine construction programs. It
any departure from the normal process of design
is at once too specific to guide overall thinking
("type of curb and gutter desired") and too gen-
eral to sensibly emphasize exceptional needs
("ceilings: height, finish, acoustical treatment,
additional information"). In short, using service
planners are urged to supplement the standard
The using service will furnish a budgetary esti-
PDB extensively.