DG 1110.3.120
Near Troups
Ample Site Area
Visible from Expressway
Near Community
Easy Access from Local Town/
Near Post Entry Gate
Within Air Field Flight Path
- Constricted Site
Poor Soil Condition
Distant from Support
Heavy Transport Noise
through Preserve, Housing
FIGURE 2-5.1
pool to draw from, it may be beneficial to include
The process of locating the MDC facility is carried
the surrounding civilian communities. In this
out jointly by the MDC staff and the facilities
case accessibility is both physical and visual. Not
engineer, for best understanding of the local sit-
only is nearness to the main gate desirable to
uation and needs. Continuing dialogue will be
avoid lost civilians wandering around the post,
required concerning the determinants of instal-
but of equal importance is the prominence of the
lation geography, available sites and fitness to
site (on a hill, for instance). The building be-
the needs of Music and Drama Program. The
comes a reference point.
most significant factors are noted here.
Vehicular access has several dimensions to con-
1. Proximity
sider. If transit systems are available, a good deal
Other military community facilities and housing
of congestion can be avoided at performance
areas for troops and their families should be
times. Otherwise, primary roads should connect
nearby, preferably within walking distance. This
town and troop areas to the MDC without invad-
places the activities in the participant's domain.
ing quiet zones and housing areas.
Perhaps more important is proximity to related
community facilities. This increases daily visi-
Parking space will be needed, normally at a rate
bility and awareness of coming events. More-
of one space per four seats full capacity, plus
over, theater has the best chance for success
spaces for cast and crew. Since performance
when it becomes part of a series of evening
normally occurs in off-peak hours, location near
events. Many theatergoers enjoy dinner before
daytime community facilities can make use of
the show or a social drink after. The nearness of
existing parking spaces.
post recreational activities or clubs can provide
Service access also becomes a site selection fac-
that sense of making a "whole evening" out of
tor. Loading of bulk items and road shows re-
a visit to the theater.
quires that access to the stagehouse be negoti-
able by semi-trailers. There are also access/
2. Accessibility
proximity considerations where production fa-
In order to have a larger and diversified audience